Conjunctivitis, also called pink eye, is an extremely common eye condition. You may have heard many things about this eye infection. However, the harsh reality is that the majority of “so-called facts” or claims about pink eye are false. Acuity Optical’s eye doctor Escondido warns that believing in such myths can prove to be quite harmful to your eye health and may lead to excessive confusion and distress.

For that reason, we have compiled the most popular misconceptions and the truths about each of them, so you will never get caught in this web of misinformation again.

Myth 1: Using any eye drop will help you get relief

Fact: You would have probably come across this “statement” many times before. This is indeed a misleading notion, says a trusted ophthalmologist Escondido. Remember, not every type of conjunctivitis can be treated with eye drops. Some cases may need just simple remedies like the use of a warm or cold compress; others may necessitate taking prescribed medication from an eye care professional.

Thus, if you get a conjunctival infection, don’t rush into a pharmacy to purchase over-the-counter eye drops; instead, consult an expert first.

Myth 2: Only children are likely to get this eye disease

Fact: Unlike the widely held belief that only kids are susceptible to pink eye, eye doctor Escondido highlights that anyone, irrespective of his or her age, can contract the condition. Therefore, make sure you follow all the expert-recommended precautions to always protect your eyes.

Myth 3: There is only one type of conjunctivitis

Fact: This is false; in fact, based on the underlying cause, there are mostly three types of pink eye:

  • Bacterial conjunctivitis
    It is caused by bacterial exposure and spreads easily.
  • Allergic conjunctivitis
    This one occurs commonly in people prone to seasonal eye allergies. Entry of allergens like pollen, pet dander, dust mites, mold spores, or airborne pollutants can trigger allergic eye inflammation.
  • Viral conjunctivitis
    Viruses are the culprits for this type of pink eye. Beware; it’s highly contagious.

Myth 4: Making eye contact with the affected person will transmit the infection to your eyes.

Fact: Well, this may sound childish at first, but many people think this is to be true. The good news is that you don’t need to fear making eye contact with any of your family members, friends, or colleagues with pink eye, according to eye doctor Escondido.

As per extensive medical research, conjunctivitis cannot spread through simple eye contact. Still, it’s important to note that if the infected person coughs or sneezes in your proximity, then you may also catch the infection.

Hence, it is highly advised to stop sharing daily essentials such as towels, pillowcases, tissues, handkerchiefs, etc. with even your close ones in case they are experiencing symptoms of pink eye, including:

  • Eye Redness
  • Watery Eyes
  • Swelling
  • Crust formation, etc.

It’s best to avoid physical contact as long as their eyes are not healed completely. Also, never forget to follow all the basic hand sanitation and eye hygiene practices to keep your eyes safeguarded.

When the whirlpool of doubt circles you, don’t worry. Talk to Acuity Optical’s ophthalmologist Escondido. Whether you are already suffering from conjunctivitis or suspect you have it, it’s ideal to get a professional consultation. Especially if the symptoms aren’t disappearing despite following the essential measures. Our eye specialist will give you personalized treatment depending on the type and severity of your pink eye. Besides, we will also provide you with the best-proven tips and suggestions to speed up the healing process. Book your consultation today. You can contact us at 760.743.5872.