Things to Know About Peripheral Vision Syndrome
Ocular conditions can arise at any time, which emphasizes the value of preventive eye care and routine examinations. Peripheral Vision Syndrome (PVS) stands as a testament to the unpredictable nature of ocular health, as it can manifest due to a variety of factors,...

Choosing Lens Color in Eyeglasses Based on Different Weather Conditions
The weather changes make our environment vibrant yet unpredictable at times. From sunny clear skies to stormy gray days, Mother Nature keeps us on our toes. While conditions continually change overhead, one thing we can control is choosing eye-wear that enhances our...

Our Exclusive Collection of Maui Jim Eye-wear Is Now Available
Maui Jim has been a trusted brand for sunglasses for over 30 years, consistently raising the bar in the world of eyewear. It has become synonymous with cutting-edge technology that transforms the way we experience the world through our lenses. Let’s discover why West...

Caring for your eyes during pregnancy: Top eye infection prevention tips
There is no more affectionate and tender relationship than the one between a mother and a child. That is why pregnancy is one of the most beautiful chapters of a woman’s life. However, as an expectant mother, worrying about one's health is inevitable, especially when...

What is the Right Time To Wear Spectacles?
Wondering about the optimal time to begin wearing eyeglasses is a common concern. Many people wrestle with the uncertainty of when to take that step toward a clearer vision. The decision is nuanced and varies from person to person. To address this concern, it's...

5 Underlying Risks Associated with Ocular Hemorrhage
Bleeding in the eye, known as ocular hemorrhage. It typically occurs when an individual experiences an incident that causes trauma or strain to the blood vessels within the eye. This could happen due to factors like an injury, a sudden spike in blood pressure, or...

Don’t let the shivery season steal your eye comfort: Follow these winter eye care tips
Winters are all about getting cozy, having lots of fun amidst the holiday season, and indulging in that little extra TLC so no roadblock comes in between your chill thrills. Many people are well acquainted with the negative effects of the colder months on the body....

Scratched Corneas: Complications and Care with An Ophthalmologist Arcadia
Dealing with a scratched cornea can be tough, but knowing about the problems it can cause and how to take care of it is super important for a quick recovery. A scratched cornea might make your eyes hurt, your vision blurry, and make you sensitive to light. It is small...

7 Things You Need To Know About Shingles in The Eye
Experiencing shingles anywhere on your body can be unpleasant and uncomfortable. However, the potential health risks associated with developing shingles around your eye can be very severe and distressing. As we all know the eyes are crucial for sensory perception as...

Holiday Eye Care Tips To Help You Preserve the Ultimate Gift
From Thanksgiving Day, Black Friday, and Christmas to New Year’s Eve, the holiday season is full of lively celebrations and unbeatable merriment. Kids, teens, adults, and even senior citizens wait frantically for this season to arrive so they can get relief from the...