Things to Consider Before Undergoing Laser Eye Surgery
Laser eye surgery is a sophisticated and meticulous medical procedure. It corrects vision disorders and enables a person to see the surroundings more clearly. This specialized procedure is designed to address various vision issues by employing cutting-edge laser...

A Guide to Healthy Vision During Ones College Years
For a student, nothing can be more pleasurable than college life. Entering college means standing on your feet and becoming more independent. It's also the time when, probably for the first time, you are away from your parents (especially if you are going to live in a...

Tips For Choosing the Right Eyewear While on The Computer
Are you spending long hours in front of a computer screen? It might cause strain, fatigue, and dryness in the eyes. If you are experiencing the similar things, it's crucial to invest in the right eyewear to protect your eyes and prevent eye strain. With so many...

Eye problems and the digital age: What you must know
We live in an age where we can’t imagine our lives without smartphones and other digital devices. Forget about one day; even spending a few hours without staring at our phones seems nearly impossible. However, such utter dependency on constant external stimulation...

How to Balance Screen Time For Eye Wellness?
Digital screens are an essential part of our everyday lives, whether they are on television, mobile gadgets, or computerized devices. They serve diverse functions, encompassing work-related tasks, entertainment, social interactions, and educational pursuits. While our...

Does Corneal Swelling Usually Occur After Cataract Surgery?
The cornea serves as the transparent front portion of the eye, enabling the passage of light. Moreover, it contributes to 2/3 of the eye's focusing ability. The occurrence of any disease or swelling in the cornea can result in corneal clouding and lead to a decline in...

Top Bad Eyesight Habits You Must Let Go of in the Year 2024
The year is coming to an end, and we are sure you are all decked out for the celebrations ahead. However, while you bid farewell to 2023, ask yourself, " Am I prioritizing eye health as much as the other important matters in my life?" If the answer is "no," it's time...

Start The New Year On An Eye-Healthy Note By Going “Dry” This January
The holiday season brings with it loads of joy and for the booze lovers, so many reasons to say “cheers” to that extra glass. Albeit, if you drink too excessively, this can negatively affect your eye health in several ways. That is why the optometrists Palm Desert...

Probing the Possibility of Eye Damage From Gaming
Engaging in video games is generally not linked to long-term eye damage. However, it is necessary to acknowledge that prolonged gaming sessions can contribute to various issues, such as eye strain, dryness, and fatigue. In some cases, individuals may experience visual...

The Most Beneficial New Year Resolutions: Your Promise to Yourself for Healthy Peepers
The time for new beginnings is all set to kick off in a few days. It's the perfect time to bid farewell to those faulty habits that have been disturbing your holistic well-being a lot. If you have been planning to commit to some New Year resolutions, the accredited...